아래 기사는 브뤼셀의 스카이뉴스의 앵커가 화산분출 뉴스를 진행하는 장면인데요, 화산 엄청납니다. 상상을 초월하는데요 그런데 그속에 UFO 브이 편대가 초계비행을 합니다. 그것도 화산 분출 화염속에서 요동없이 현장 상공을 지킵니다. 눈으로 확인하십쇼. 스카이뉴스에선 그것이 새떼라고 강변하더군요. 아니 우길게 따로있지 새떼가 어떻게 화산분출구에서 보초를 서나요? 말이 안되는 강변을 합니다. 하기사 그 이들은 윗분이 시키면 따라 하는 길외엔 아무것도 없으니 말이 되죠. 그런데 그것은 브이 편대입니다. 마이클 아톤의 칙령을 따르는 은하연합 형제가 맞습니다. <칼럼니스트 피터김>2010.04.20 07:40
Earth Changes Iceland Volcano Sky News V-Shape UFO-Like Formation or Simply Birds? 18/04/10
Go here for a clear picture of what this is.
Repeated over and over for ease of viewing: These are not Birds as reported...(please don't be silly about this, they would be pretty dumb birds to fly so close to an active volcano), and in any case, they are not flying, they are HOVERING..look closely. Earth change ufo's; Wherever there are earth changes, ufo's are invariably spotted: As can be seen in this report which was captured from Sky News today, 18/04/2010.
Of course, this was NOT what the report was about...ufo's I mean...simply the volcano and the inconvenience caused to air passengers...but I spotted this and taped it for everyone: The ufo's were captured accidentally, and now the illuminati-backed media are claiming these objects were simply birds...yeah, right. See the V-shape formation of plasma objects hovering near the Icelandic volcano which is erupting by the minute.
Here at BEAMS, the British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society, we have photos and footage of these v-shape formations of glowing plasmas, even from clear, daylight skies, (some close up and they are orbs, translucent, yet intelligently flying in formation), here in the United Kingdom...it's happening all over in fact...and scientists are getting worried.
The world is changing fast folks and as we head towards 2012 expect to see a lot more of this type of activity...and as the earth changes SO MUST WE..we must wake up and stop attacking this planet through mining, deforestation etc...let it heal.