
[스크랩] Books on Project Financing

영원오늘 2011. 3. 8. 13:04

Books on Project Financing

We have carefully selected the following books on project financing:


Advanced Project Financing: Structuring Risks
by Richard Tinsley

Publisher: Euromoney Books
Published: 2000
Edition: 1st
Format: Pb

Following on from Euromoney books' benchmark text, Project Financing (code 12862), this definitive new book is an indispensable guide to the risks encountered in a project financing.

The book begins by identifying the key risks in project finance. From this the reader is presented with 214 real world case studies in which each choice of risk structure is explained and assessed. Starting with a cashflow analysis the book looks at the best structures and funding techniques to mitigate and avoid risk. Deal diagrams are used to illustrate the many alternative project finance structures that can be considered. Furthermore, allied financial measures are explained and demystified.

This book is an invaluable guide for the project finance practitioner, enabling them to dissect any project finance and find the appropriate risk structuring.

Project Financing 7th Editon
by Peter Nevitt

Publisher: Euromoney Books
Published: 2000
Edition: 7th
Format: Pb

The eagerly awaited 7th edition of this best-selling guide to project financing.

Fully updated and revised, the new book includes numerous examples and case studies, including the Eurotunnel, Dabhol and Hubco deals. These illustrate key issues such as government and multicultural guarantees, risk allocation and effective project structuring, and integrated capital market financings.

The book's layout has also been completely redesigned to make it easier and quicker for you to access the detailed analysis.

After more than 20 years, this book is still the acknowledged standard text on project financing. It is an invaluable manual which should be on every project financier's desk.

Project Documentation: Debt Finance
by George K Miller, Thacher and Joseph W. Bartlett

Publisher: Euromoney Books
Published: 2000
Edition: 1st
Format: Pb

The first in a new series of project documentation reports. This special report by leading project finance lawyer George K. Miller is an essential guide to the pitfalls and opportunities that every project financier or advisor needs to contend with to close a successful debt financing. Focusing on points of tension between the parties negotiating the deal, the book examines sources of finance, risks and how they are best allocated, term sheets, loan agreements, agents, security documentation mezzanine and subordinated debt, integrated capital market financings, leasing, merchant projects, the impact of local participation, and restructurings. Case studies examine the specific debt financing issues for project in the PRC, and the restructuring of projects in Indonesia. Detailed yet practical, illustrated with case studies and draft clauses, this special report is the unrivaled guide to structuring successful project debt and bond financings.

Financing and Managing Infrastructure Projects
by A Merna and Njiru

Publisher: Asia Law & Practice Books
Published: 1998
Edition: 1st
Format: Pb

An in-depth examination of privatization as an alternative method in financing and managing infrastructure projects. The authors identify the BOOT form of privatization as a viable method of facilitating private provision of infrastructure services. A case study on a water project in a developing country illustrates the possible application of private finance and management, and confirm!s the view that privatization is the way forward to meet the big challenge of providing services in the light of reduced public sector spending.

International Project Analysis and Financing
by Gerald Pollio

Publisher: Palgrave (Trade)
Published: 1999
Edition: 1st
Format: Pb

This text is about international project analysis and financing. Project analysis is concerned with identifying and assessing the value-enhancing potential of individual investment opportunities. Project financing in its broadest sense encompasses all sources of funds used to finance project investments. Thus these two aspects are inseparably interconnected.

The text focuses upon key areas such as capital budgeting and risk management and includes case study material. It will be relevant to professionals and students with an interest in project analysis and financing.

PRC Joint Ventures - Capital Contributions, Asset Valuation & Financing
by Mery L Riley

Publisher: Asia Law & Practice Books
Published: 1997
Edition: 2nd
Format: Pb

This is a invaluable resource for all those involved in PRC joint venture negotiations. It features practical case studies, summaries at the end of every chapter, loan registration forms and translations of key regulations.

EXTRACT: Debt Financing: Renminbi Loans
In the front page story on May 8 1997, The Wall Street Journal described the next major world economic crisis as deriving from banks, and projected that the biggest banking 'bust' would be seen in the PRC. This is based on an estimate by Hu Zhenyi of the Bank of China that one-fifth of the US$600 billion outstanding bank loans are bad. This figure is considered conservative and some researchers estimate double that figure for bad loans. Because banks are only required to set aside 1% of outstanding total loans to cover loan losses, it is clear that bad debts are not covered. It is believed that even the 1% figure is not being met. The difficult condition of PRC banks is confirm!ed by Nicholas Krasno of Moody's Investors Services who has been reported as saying that PRC banks are in bad financial health.
Following a long period of 'deferred realization of losses', the government financial authorities feel that the deferral cannot continue forever. It is getting more and more costly to prop up unprofitable state-owned enterprises with loans. China Law & Practice cites senior officials at the PBOC as stating that 20% (possibly as high as between 30% and 40%) state-owned banks' assets are non-performing. In other words, the level of bad debts exceeds the aggregate capital base of all the PRC banks. Although the laws are in place for banks to operate more autonomously, the history of bad debts taken on at the behest of the government may mean it will be some time before the new rational banking laws show an effect on the economy. Only the central government can bail the banks out. In December 1996, the China Agricultural Development Trust, a large non-bank owned by the Ministry of Agriculture, failed after participating in speculative investments. It was not bailed out. There are a number of non-banks, some of which may also be in bad financial condition.

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